Water Education Program New Mexico

Convened by NM Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources

In 2023, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology launched a Water Education Program for New Mexico. This program, which is intended to evolve and grow, is focused on building greater awareness of the critical water issues in New Mexico, fostering connections among the people working to address these issues, and growing the foundation of knowledge in our decision-making positions within the state. The Water Education Program will include Rio Chama Experience overnight river trips, as well as multi-day classroom and field-based Water Leaders Workshops.

Who Should Participate? 

Water leaders include state and federal legislators and staff, state and federal water agency managers, tribal leaders and water division managers, water commissions and board members, and water managers and decision makers. The Water Education Program hosted by NM Bureau of Geology, focuses specifically on water issues and builds on previous experiences, including hosting New Mexico’s Decision Makers outdoor conferences. The Water Leaders Education Program aims to provide scientific and unbiased information, as required for today’s decision making, especially related to water in the desert southwest.

Water Education Program and Why it Matters

The Water Leaders Education Program aims to equip our legislators and other leaders with the essential information to make informed decisions about water-related challenges. We recognize the importance of providing legislators, water leaders, and decision makers with opportunities to enhance their knowledge base, build connections with a wide range of water experts, and see the actual landscape of the issues before making decisions. 

In New Mexico, legislators are unpaid volunteers from diverse backgrounds, each with unique areas of expertise. During the legislative process and various decision making roles in the state, leaders are tasked with comprehending and making decisions on complex water policies and management, in addition to other topics. 

The Water Leaders Education Program offers several water-centered workshops and field-based educational opportunities to address these challenges. Through this program, we strive to provide legislators with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions and effectively address our state’s water issues.